Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


Apr 122012

RECENT LEGISLATION: Death Penalty Repeal Passes Second Connecticut House, Awaits Governor’s Signature

On April 11, the Connecticut House of Representatives passed (86 – 62) a bill to abol­ish the death penal­ty for future crimes. The same bill passed the Connecticut Senate on April 5. Governor Dannel Malloy has pledged to sign the bill, which will make Connecticut the 17th state to abol­ish the death penal­ty, and the 5th to do so in the last 5 years. In a state­ment released after the House vote, Gov. Malloy said, When I sign this bill, Connecticut will join 16 oth­er states and…

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Apr 112012

Systemic Flaws in Capital Representation Cited for Recent Pennsylvania Death Sentence

Following the recent hand­ing down of a death sen­tence in Philadelphia, the Executive Director of the Atlantic Center for Capital Representation blamed the out­come on an inad­e­quate indi­­gent-defense sys­tem. Marc Bookman (pic­tured), writ­ing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, reviewed the case and found, There isn’t a sin­gle motion filed by the attor­neys in defense of their client. Nor is there a request for a jury ques­tion­naire, which is…

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Apr 102012

Oklahoma Execution Imminent Despite Board’s Recommendation of Clemency

Oklahoma inmate Garry Allen (pic­tured) is sched­uled for exe­cu­tion on April 12, despite a Pardon and Parole Board’s 4 – 1 rec­om­men­da­tion that his sen­tence be reduced to life with­out parole. In an unusu­al move, Mr. Allen orig­i­nal­ly plead­ed guilty to mur­der­ing his girl­friend with­out receiv­ing any ben­e­fit in sen­tenc­ing, and has tes­ti­fied that he did so to spare his fam­i­ly and the vic­tim’s fam­i­ly the trau­ma of a tri­al. Allen was shot in the head at the time of his…

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Apr 092012

NEW VOICES: Creators of California’s Death Penalty Law Now Call for Life Without Parole

Donald Heller (pic­tured), who wrote Californias death penal­ty law, and Ron Briggs, who led the cam­paign to rein­state the law in 1978, are now advo­cat­ing for replac­ing the death penal­ty with a sen­tence of life with­out parole. Both now say that the law did not have the result they intended. At the time, we were of the impres­sion that it would do swift jus­tice, that it would get the crim­i­nals and mur­der­ers through the sys­tem quick­ly and apply…

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Apr 062012

STUDIES: Researchers Find Racial Disparities in Delaware’s Death Penalty

A new study pub­lished on the Social Science Resource Network by a group of pro­fes­sors at Cornell University found a high inci­dence of racial dis­par­i­ties in the oper­a­tion of Delawares death penal­ty. The study, pub­lished in con­junc­tion with a sym­po­sium hon­or­ing the late David Baldus (pic­tured), exam­ined the state’s death penal­ty since 1972 and found: — Of 49 defen­dants sen­tenced to death since 1972, 53% were black, 39% were white, and 8% were Hispanic or Native American. In…

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Apr 052012

RECENT LEGISLATION: Connecticut Senate Votes to Repeal Death Penalty

On April 5, the state sen­ate in Connecticut approved (20 – 16) a bill to repeal the death penal­ty and replace it with a sen­tence of life with­out a parole. The bill is prospec­tive and would not affect the 11 inmates cur­rent­ly on death row. The sen­ate passed an amend­ment to the orig­i­nal repeal bill requir­ing future defen­dants con­vict­ed of mur­der with spe­cial cir­cum­stances to be sub­ject to the same con­fine­ment con­di­tions as cur­rent death row inmates. Sen. Gayle Slossberg,…

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Apr 042012

STUDIES: Research Finds Lack of Accountability in Texas Misconduct Cases

A recent study released by the Prosecutorial Oversight Coalition and con­duct­ed by the Veritas Initiative of California found that although Texas pros­e­cu­tors com­mit­ted error in 91 cas­es between 2004 and 2008, none of those cas­es result­ed in dis­ci­pli­nary action against the pros­e­cu­tor. Misconduct was found most often in mur­der cas­es. Courts upheld the con­vic­tion in 72 of the cas­es and reversed it in 19. At a sym­po­sium dis­cussing the research, two men who were wrongfully…

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Apr 032012

Connecticut Senate Poised to Vote on Death Penalty Repeal

The Connecticut Senate is expect­ed to vote as ear­ly as Wednesday (April 4) on a bill to replace the death penal­ty with a sen­tence of life with­out parole. The bill, which would only affect future sen­tenc­ing, passed the Judiciary Committee on March 21 and needs at least 18 votes to pass in the Senate. If it pass­es the Senate, it is con­sid­ered like­ly to pass the House, and Governor Dannel Malloy has pledged to sign the bill into law. A sim­i­lar bill passed the General Assembly in…

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Apr 022012

NEW RESOURCES: Spanish Language Podcast Now Available

The Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to present its first pod­cast in Spanish. This pod­cast is part of our series, DPIC On The Issues, and is now avail­able for lis­ten­ing and down­load­ing. Our pod­cast in Spanish is the 18th in the series of pod­casts, and it dis­cuss­es gen­er­al death penal­ty top­ics, with a focus on pub­lic opin­ion among Hispanics, the pop­u­la­tion of minori­ties on death row, and the use of the death penal­ty in Spanish-speaking countries.

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Mar 302012

NEW VOICES: Former Judges and Law Enforcement Officials Criticize Death Row Inmate’s Conviction

Thirty-four high-pro­­file for­mer judges and law enforce­ment offi­cials recent­ly filed an ami­cus brief argu­ing against Virginias efforts to rein­state the con­vic­tion of Justin Wolfe (pic­tured). Wolfe’s attor­neys main­tain he was wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death in a 2002 mur­der-for-hire case because of false tes­ti­mo­ny from the actu­al shoot­er, Owen Barber. In 2005, Barber admit­ted to lying under oath, saying, The pros­e­cu­tion and my own defense attorney…

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