Death Row


Women facing a death sentence experience gender-based biases in the courtroom.

Current List of Women on Death Row

As of February 28, 2025, the Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide reports there are 48 women on death rows across the United States.

ALFranklinScott, Christie MichelleW
ALHoustonBlackmon, PatriciaB
ALHoustonGobble, Tierra CapriW
ALMobileKeaton, HeatherB
ALRussellGraham, LisaW
AZMaricopaAndriano, WendiW
AZPimaForde, ShawnaW
AZMaricopaAllen, SammanthaW
CAAlamedaMichaud, MichelleW
CALos AngelesMartin, ValerieW
CALos AngelesMcDermott, MaureenW
CALos AngelesThompson, CatherineB
CALos AngelesWilliams, ManlingA
CAModocRhoades, CherieN
CAOrangeAlfaro, MariaL
CAOrangeDeLeon, Skylar Sophia^W
CAOrangeNelson, TanyaA
CARiversideHann, Jessica Marie^^W
CARiversideHunter, Lorraine AlisonB
CARiversideMagaña, BelindaL
CARiversideRottiers, BrookeW
CARiversideSarinana, CathyW
CARiversideSnyder, JaneenW
CASan BernardinoCoffman, CynthiaW
CASan DiegoDalton, KerryW
CASan DiegoGonzales, VeronicaL
CAVenturaCaro, SocorroL
FLEscambiaBrown, TinaB
FLSanta RosaRodgers, Jenna*W
GAGwinnettMoss, TiffanyB
IDAdaRow, RobinW
KYFayetteCaudill, VirginiaW
LAOrleansFrank, AntoinetteB
MSForrestChamberlin, LisaW
NCForsythMoore, Blanche T.W
NCWakeParker, CarletteB
OHLucasVixen, Taci**W
OHTrumbullRoberts, DonnaW
OHWarrenDrain, Victoria***W
OKOklahomaAndrew, BrendaW
TNKnoxPike, ChristaW
TXBowieParker, TaylorW
TXCameronLucio, MelissaL
TXDallasRoutier, DarlieW
TXHarrisCarty, LindaB
TXHarrisSheppard, EricaB
TXRandallHolberg, BrittanyW
TXSmithCargill, KimberlyW

To see Professor Streib’s sum­maries of the cas­es of the women who were on death row as of December 2012, click here.

^Skylar Sophia DeLeon, a trans­gen­der woman, was sen­tenced under the name Skylar Julius DeLeon and tran­si­tioned while on California’s death row.

^^Jessica Marie Hann, a trans­gen­der woman, was sen­tenced under the name Jason Michael Hann and tran­si­tioned while on California’s death row.

*Jenna Rodgers, a trans­gen­der woman, was sen­tenced under the name Jeremiah Rodgers and tran­si­tioned while on Florida’s death row.

**Taci Vixen, a trans­gen­der woman, was sen­tenced under the name Timothy Hoffner and tran­si­tioned while on Ohio’s death row.

***Victoria Drain, a trans­gen­der woman, was sen­tenced under the name Joel Drain and tran­si­tioned while on Ohio’s death row.

News & Developments


Jan 22, 2025

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Only Woman on Oklahoma Death Row, Confirming Admission of Prejudicial, Gendered Evidence Can Violate Due Process Rights

At Brenda Andrew’s 2004 tri­al in Oklahoma for the mur­der of her hus­band, the pros­e­cu­tor called wit­ness­es to tes­ti­fy about her​“provoca­tive” cloth­ing and her pre­vi­ous sex­u­al rela­tion­ships, and ques­tioned​“whether a good moth­er would dress or behave” the way she had. Jurors heard Ms. Andrew called a​“hoochie” and a​“slut pup­py.” In his clos­ing argu­ment, the pros­e­cu­tor opened a suit­case and showed the jury Ms. Andrew’s under­wear, ask­ing,​“The grieving widow…

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Sep 30, 2024

Rulings for Two Death-Sentenced Prisoners Recognize Devastating Harm Caused by Solitary Confinement

Scientists and oth­er experts are unan­i­mous in their con­clu­sion that indef­i­nite or pro­longed soli­tary con­fine­ment caus­es seri­ous harm, and the United Nations says it amounts to tor­ture — yet most death-sen­tenced peo­ple in America are con­fined to these extreme con­di­tions of iso­la­tion and depri­va­tion for years. As of 2020, a dozen states rou­tine­ly kept death-sen­tenced pris­on­ers in sin­gle cells for at least twen­ty-two hours a day with lit­tle-to-no human con­tact. Two recent devel­op­ments in capital…

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Aug 30, 2024

Articles of Interest: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board Argues that Death Penalty Will Not Bring Justice for Leon Katz

In a new edi­to­r­i­al, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette argues that the death penal­ty is nev­er the jus­tice that is called for” and achieves noth­ing of val­ue except the sat­is­fac­tion of vengeance.” The Post-Gazette describes the death of 6‑week-old Leon Katz in June as an almost unfath­omable” crime and a vio­la­tion of pri­mor­dial inno­cence” — but argues that Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr.’s deci­sion to seek the death penal­ty against Nicole Virzi, Leon’s alleged…

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May 08, 2024

New Cardozo Law Review Article Examines the Events in the Lives of Women on U.S. Death Row

A new arti­cle, Gender Matters: Women on Death Row in the United States,” explores the cas­es of 48 women who were sen­tenced to death in the United States between 1990 and 2023. We believe that women’s cap­i­tal sen­tences are best explained by exam­in­ing the events of their lives with­in a larg­er social con­text, and by ana­lyz­ing how those expe­ri­ences — and the women them­selves — were treat­ed with­in the legal sys­tem,” said the authors, who include Sandra Babcock (pic­tured left), a Clinical Professor…

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Apr 16, 2024

Trial Judge Signs Agreed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Recommending Melissa Lucio’s Conviction and Death Sentence Be Overturned

On April 12, 2024, Judge Arturo Nelson signed an Agreed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law sub­mit­ted by the pros­e­cu­tion and defense stat­ing that Melissa Lucio (pic­tured) was not giv­en access to favor­able infor­ma­tion in the prosecution’s pos­ses­sion at the time of tri­al. The acknowl­edge­ment of this con­sti­tu­tion­al error result­ed in Judge Nelson’s rec­om­men­da­tion to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA) that Ms. Lucio’s con­vic­tion and death sen­tence be over­turned. The rul­ing marks the…

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