Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


May 252004

Insistence on the Death Penalty May Interfere with Trial for Saddam Hussein

Great Britain may refuse to hand over evi­dence of Saddam Hussein’s crimes to Iraqi pros­e­cu­tors or per­mit gov­ern­ment staff to tes­ti­fy against the for­mer dic­ta­tor because of the nation’s oppo­si­tion to the death penal­ty. Despite human rights objec­tions from British offi­cials who helped estab­lish the spe­cial tri­bunal that will try Hussein and oth­er senior mem­bers of his regime, Iraqis have insist­ed that cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment remain a sen­tenc­ing option for some crimes. Coalition forces have suspended…

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May 242004

Supreme Court Unanimously Allows Lethal Injection Procedure Challenge to Continue

The U.S. Supreme Court unan­i­mous­ly ruled that an Alabama death row inmate could pur­sue his claim that the lethal injec­tion pro­ce­dures in his case con­sti­tute cru­el and unusu­al pun­ish­ment. David Nelson, who was less than three hours away from his sched­uled exe­cu­tion last fall when the Supreme Court gave him a tem­po­rary reprieve, had filed a claim under sec­tion 1983 of the Civil Rights Law stat­ing that his dam­aged veins would make it impos­si­ble to insert an intra­venous line without…

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May 212004

POSSIBLE INNOCENCE: Former Massachusetts Death Row Inmate Released After 30 Years in Prison

Laurence Adams, who was sen­tenced to death in Massachusetts in 1974 short­ly before the state final­ly aban­doned cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, was released on May 20 after spend­ing three decades of his life in prison. In April 2004, a judge over­turned Adams’ con­vic­tion when new evi­dence, includ­ing con­flict­ing state­ments from the state’s star wit­ness and a state­ment from a wit­ness who said two oth­er peo­ple com­mit­ted the mur­der, cast doubt on his guilt. Superior Court Judge Robert A.

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May 202004

PUBLIC OPINION: North Carolinians Support Death Penalty Moratorium

An April 2004 poll of North Carolinians revealed that 63% of respon­dents sup­port a halt to exe­cu­tions while the state’s death penal­ty is stud­ied, and many respon­dents have doubts about the accu­ra­cy of the death penalty. Support for the two-year sus­pen­sion of exe­cu­tions is wide­spread and cuts across all demo­graph­ic groups, regions of the state and polit­i­cal par­ty affil­i­a­tion. This is clear­ly an issue that res­onates with the peo­ple of North Carolina,” stat­ed John Doble, founder of Doble…

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May 192004

San Francisco Voters Back DA’s Decision to Not Seek Death Sentence

Both city vot­ers and the Bar Association of San Francisco have voiced sup­port for San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ deci­sion to not seek the death penal­ty in the case against David Hill, who is accused of killing city police offi­cer Isaac Espinoza. A recent poll found that 70% of respon­dents backed Harris’ deci­sion, while only 22% opposed the choice and 8% remained unde­cid­ed. The poll also found that 65% of those sur­veyed gave Harris’ over­all per­for­mance as District Attorney…

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May 192004

Scott Turow’s Reversible Errors Debuts This Weekend

SCOTT TUROW’S REVERSIBLE ERRORS DEBUTED THIS WEEKEND A tele­vi­sion mini-series based on the fic­tion nov­el Reversible Errors, a best-sel­l­­ing book by award- win­ning author and cap­i­tal defense attor­ney Scott Turow, began on CBS on Sunday May 23, and will con­clude Tuesday May 25, 2004. In the film, a cor­po­rate lawyer is assigned to draft the final appeal of a poten­tial­ly inno­cent inmate whose exe­cu­tion is immi­nent. While Errors is not based upon an actual…

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May 182004

Texas Board Recommends Clemency on Eve of Execution

On the eve of the Kelsey Patterson’s sched­uled exe­cu­tion in Texas, the state’s Board of Pardons and Paroles vot­ed 5 – 1 to rec­om­mend that Governor Rick Perry com­mute Patterson’s death sen­tence to life in prison. In its rare rec­om­men­da­tion for clemen­cy, the Board not­ed that if Governor Perry refus­es to grant clemen­cy, Patterson, a men­tal­ly ill man who is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on Tuesday, May 18th, should receive a 120-day reprieve. The Board’s actions mark the first time in more than two…

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May 142004

Oklahoma Governor Grants Clemency to Mexican Foreign National

Just days before the sched­uled exe­cu­tion of Osvaldo Torres, a Mexican for­eign nation­al on Oklahoma’s death row, Governor Brad Henry grant­ed a request for clemen­cy in part because of a recent International Court of Justice deci­sion order­ing the United States to review the cas­es of 51 Mexican for­eign nation­als on death row because they were denied their right to seek con­sular assis­tance fol­low­ing their arrest. Henry’s announce­ment came just hours after the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals…

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May 142004

Oklahoma Governor Grants Clemency to Mexican Citizen

OK. GOVERNOR GRANTS CLEMENCY TO MEXICAN CITIZEN Photo: CuartoscuroOsvaldo Torres was sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed by the state of Oklahoma on May 18, 2004, despite a rul­ing from the International Court of Justice that his rights under the Vienna Convention (and those of 50 oth­er Mexican nation­als on American death rows) were vio­lat­ed. On May 13, 2004, cit­ing the deci­sions of the Parole Board and a stay grant­ed by the Court of Criminal Appeals, Governor Brad Henry com­mut­ed Torres’ sentence…

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May 132004

NEW RESOURCE: CBS to Air Mini-series Based on Turow Death Penalty Novel

A tele­vi­sion Mini-series based on the fiction novel Reversible Errors,” a best-sel­l­­ing book by award-win­n­ing author and cap­i­tal defense attor­ney Scott Turow, will air on CBS on Sunday May 23, and Tuesday May 25, 2004. The sto­ry is about a cor­po­rate lawyer whose world is turned upside-down when he is assigned to draft the final appeal of a poten­tial­ly inno­cent inmate near­ing his exe­cu­tion date. Although Reversible Errors” is not about an actu­al cap­i­tal case in the U.S., the nov­el and the CBS

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