American mil­i­tary offi­cials say that a Canadian teen being held at Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba could be eli­gi­ble for the death penal­ty. The 17-year-old boy was cap­tured in Afghanistan last July and is accused of killing a U.S. medic dur­ing bat­tle as a mem­ber of al-Qaida. After 18 months of impris­on­ment, none of the 700 detainees have been offi­cial­ly charged, but a review of their cas­es by President George W. Bush is pend­ing. Some of the cas­es could involve cap­i­tal charges, and offi­cials note that the gov­ern­ment is con­sid­er­ing estab­lish­ing a death row and an exe­cu­tion cham­ber at the camp for pris­on­ers con­vict­ed by upcom­ing military tribunals. 

(Calgary Sun, June 4, 2003). See Juvenile Death Penalty.

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