The cap­i­tal mur­der pros­e­cu­tion of Michael Addison in New Hampshire will cost the state at least $978,000 in its first stage. Attorney General Kelly A. Ayotte esti­mates that there are about eight lawyers work­ing on Addison’s case from her office. The state has been allo­cat­ed $420,000 for the four new staff mem­bers along with oth­er office costs, to pros­e­cute Addison. The $420,000 does not include the costs of salaried state pros­e­cu­tors who are help­ing to pre­pare the case and lit­i­gat­ing pre-tri­al issues. The New Hampshire Public Defender Office, which rep­re­sents Addison, is expect­ed to have spent about $530,000 by the end of its fis­cal year in June. This fig­ure rep­re­sents attor­ney salaries, inves­ti­ga­tions and research, as well as gen­er­al office costs. Additional costs are like­ly to arise before the tri­al takes place in September. Costs for foren­sic experts and oth­er ser­vices have totalled about $28,000 and are like­ly to double.

(“$978,000 allo­cat­ed in death penal­ty case,” by Kathryn Marchocki, New Hampshire Union Leader, February 4, 2008). See Costs. New Hampshire has no one on death row and has had no exe­cu­tions since 1939.

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