The Execution of Wanda Jean,” an HBO doc­u­men­tary direct­ed by Liz Garbus of Moxie Firecracker Films, and a series of news arti­cles by the staff of the York Daily Record, includ­ing exten­sive cov­er­age of the release of Pennsylvania native Ray Krone from Arizona’s death row, will receive hon­ors dur­ing the Death Penalty Information Center’s (DPIC) Seventh Annual Thurgood Marshall Journalism Awards at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The pro­gram will also fea­ture keynote remarks from renowned author Scott Turow, whose award-win­ning books have sold mil­lions of copies around the world. This year’s Thurgood Marshall Journalism Award recip­i­ents will be intro­duced by Ray Krone, the nation’s 100th death row exoneree, and Barbara Bradley Hagerty, Justice Department news cor­re­spon­dent for National Public Radio. 

Read the Press Release. See Thurgood Marshall Journalism Awards.

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