Although Texas leads the coun­try by far with the most exe­cu­tions (436) since the rein­state­ment of the death penal­ty in 1976, it is sec­ond to Oklahoma in terms of exe­cu­tions as a frac­tion of the state’s pop­u­la­tion. The oth­er lead­ing exe­cu­tion states on a per capi­ta basis are Delaware, Virginia, Missouri, and Arkansas. The full rank­ing of exe­cu­tions per capi­ta by state may be found here. In 2009, there have been 22 exe­cu­tions as of April 27, with 100% of them occur­ring in the South. Of the 22 exe­cu­tions, 13 have been in Texas. In 2008, 95% of the exe­cu­tions were in the South.

(Posted April 27, 2009). See Executions and Arbritrariness. Listen to DPIC’s Podcast on Arbitrariness.

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