New infor­ma­tion on for­eign nation­als fac­ing the death penal­ty in the U.S. is now avail­able on DPIC’s Foreign Nationals page. This page pro­vides back­ground infor­ma­tion on cit­i­zens from oth­er coun­tries who have been sen­tenced to death in var­i­ous states and under the fed­er­al sys­tem. The list includes infor­ma­tion on whether these defen­dants were informed of their con­sular rights under the Vienna Convention, which the U.S. has rat­i­fied and depends upon to pro­tect its cit­i­zens when they trav­el abroad. Some for­eign nation­als have been exe­cut­ed in the U.S. despite not being prop­er­ly informed of their rights under this treaty. The new infor­ma­tion was pro­vid­ed by Mark Warren of Human Rights Research.

The lat­est infor­ma­tion includes 3 note­wor­thy legal deci­sions:
 — The death sen­tence of Manuel Ortiz, an El Salvadorian on Floridas death row, was reduced to life impris­on­ment on the grounds of pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct.
 — Erickson Dimas Martinez, an El Salvadorian on Arkansass death row, was resen­tenced to life with­out parole after receiv­ing a new tri­al because of juror mis­con­duct.
 — Abdul Awkal, a Lebanese nation­al on Ohios death row, received an indef­i­nite stay of exe­cu­tion on the grounds of mental incompetence.

(DPIC Posted, July 27, 2012). See Foreign Nationals. See DPIC’s report on inter­na­tion­al issues. Listen to DPIC’s pod­cast on inter­na­tion­al issues.

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