Willie Williams has been freed from a Georgia prison after spend­ing half of his life, 22 years, behind bars for a crime he did not com­mit. I nev­er gave up,” Williams said fol­low­ing his release, which came just 5 days after the Georgia Innocence Project dis­cov­ered Williams’ DNA did not match a swab tak­en from the woman he was con­vict­ed of rap­ing in 1985. After learn­ing about the DNA evi­dence exclud­ing Williams, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard ordered Williams released. Prosecutors now want to com­pare the DNA from the vic­tim’s swab to the DNA of anoth­er con­vict­ed rapist who has since been released from prison. 

(Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 24, 2007). See Innocence.

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