Though he has spent more than a decade in men­tal hos­pi­tals and his tri­al was post­poned for 18 years due to ques­tions regard­ing his san­i­ty, Sherman Noble was recent­ly sen­tenced to death in Kentucky after serv­ing as his own defense coun­sel. In 1988, Noble was declared incom­pe­tent to stand tri­al and was placed in a men­tal hos­pi­tal for fur­ther eval­u­a­tion and treat­ment. He was lat­er declared com­pe­tent in 1997. Noble attempt­ed sui­cide on the day of his sen­tenc­ing and appeared in court in a wheel­chair. The issue of whether Noble should have been allowed to serve as his own attor­ney is expect­ed to be a key issue in his appeals. 

(Courier-Journal and 4Fox 41 News, February 7, 2005). See Mental Illness.

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