On October 19, PBS’s FRONTLINE will air Death by Fire, a doc­u­men­tary close­ly exam­in­ing the evi­dence used to con­vict Cameron Todd Willingham of the arson deaths of his three chil­dren. The doc­u­men­tary will focus on a crit­i­cal find­ing that was revealed just weeks before Willingham’s exe­cu­tion — that fire inves­ti­ga­tors appar­ent­ly relied on out­dat­ed arson sci­ence to deter­mine that Willingham had set the fire that killed his chil­dren. Gerald Hurst, a foren­sic arson expert, reviewed the evi­dence based on mod­ern arson sci­ence and con­clud­ed it was a clas­sic acci­den­tal fire. Death by Fire also fea­tures writer Elizabeth Gilbert, who cor­re­spond­ed with Willingham in prison and first began to ques­tion his guilt. Willingham’s case is also being exam­ined by the Texas Forensic Science Commission and a spe­cial Court of Inquiry that may deter­mine that Texas exe­cut­ed an innocent man. 

(Frontline, Death by Fire,”; PBS, forth­com­ing October 19, 2010). Visit FRONTLINE for more infor­ma­tion. Read more about Cameron Todd Willingham. See also Innocence.

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