Nevada law­mak­ers have giv­en final approval to a mea­sure that bans the use of three-judge pan­els in decid­ing whether the state should hand down death sen­tences to those con­vict­ed of cap­i­tal mur­der. Sentences have been hand­ed down by a pan­el of three judges when a jury can’t decide on a penal­ty, but that pro­ce­dure was called into ques­tion by the U.S. Supreme Court’s rul­ing in Ring v. Arizona. The new pro­ce­dure requires judges in cas­es involv­ing hung juries to decide whether to impan­el a new jury or impose a sen­tence of life in prison with no pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole. The bill now goes before the Governor for sig­na­ture into law. 

(Associated Press, May 28, 2003) See Supreme Court.

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