The University of Chicago Law School’s Journal of Law and Economics fea­tures an arti­cle by researchers Jeffrey Kubik and John Moran exam­in­ing the rela­tion­ship between pol­i­tics and exe­cu­tions. In their arti­cle, Lethal Elections: Gubernatorial Politics and the Timing of Executions, Kubik and Moran found that states are about 25% more like­ly to con­duct exe­cu­tions in guber­na­to­r­i­al elec­tion years than in oth­er years. They also found that the effect of elec­tions on exe­cu­tions is more pro­nounced for African-American defen­dants than for white defen­dants and is larg­er in the South than in oth­er areas of the coun­try. (46 Journal of Law and Economics 1 (2003)) See Law Reviews.

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