Articles from a sym­po­sium enti­tled Rethinking the Death Penalty: Can We Define Who Deserves Death?” can be found in the Fall 2003 edi­tion of the Pace Law Review. The sym­po­sium, host­ed by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in May 2002, fea­tured speak­ers Robert Blecker, Jeffrey Kirchmeier, the Honorable William Erlbaum, David Von Drehle, and Jeffrey Fagan. The speak­ers addressed the ques­tion of whether it is pos­si­ble to lim­it the death penal­ty to the worst of the worst” and, if so, who would fall into this cat­e­go­ry. The pan­el fur­ther exam­ined whether such a lim­it­ed use of the death penal­ty would be sup­port­able moral­ly, philo­soph­i­cal­ly, and con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly. (24 Pace Law Review 107 (2003)) See Resources.

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