The New York Times Magazine recent­ly explored the life of Stanley Williams, an orig­i­nal founder of the Crips” gang and a con­vict­ed mur­der­er who has been on death row in San Quentin prison for more than two decades: 

It isn’t easy to rec­on­cile the image of the new Stanley Williams, a chil­dren’s-book author and youth advo­cate, with that of the old Stanley Williams, a gang leader and con­vict­ed mur­der­er. The arc of his life rais­es fun­da­men­tal, peren­ni­al ques­tions about human nature: Is char­ac­ter fixed or muta­ble? Can a per­son who is capa­ble of tremen­dous harm also be capa­ble of tremendous good?

(The New York Times Magazine, August 10, 2003). See Resources.

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