Advancing Justice Through DNA Technology” offers a new resource from the President’s DNA Initiative. The Web site, www​.dna​.gov, includes resources on DNA test­ing, train­ings, and fund­ing, and a his­to­ry of foren­sic use of DNA. In one sec­tion, Exonerated by Science,” the site pro­vides overviews of cas­es in which DNA has played a sig­nif­i­cant role in free­ing defen­dants who have been wrong­ly con­vict­ed, includ­ing some who were exon­er­at­ed from death row. The pro­gram’s goal is to ensure that DNA tech­nol­o­gy reach­es its full poten­tial to solve crimes, pro­tect the inno­cent, and iden­ti­fy miss­ing per­sons. See the President’s DNA Initiative Web page. See also Innocence and Resources.

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