In his lat­est book, Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer’s Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty,” attor­ney and author Scott Turow pro­vides a detailed look at his per­son­al jour­ney with the death penal­ty issue from his days as a fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor to his more recent ser­vice as a mem­ber of the Illinois Commission on Capital Punishment. In addi­tion to Turow’s first-hand account, the book ana­lyzes the poten­tial rea­sons for and against the death penal­ty, dis­cuss­es its impact on vic­tims’ fam­i­lies and politi­cians, and tells the sto­ries behind the sta­tis­tics.” (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003) See Resources.

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