Two new books on the death penalty offer readers an examination of capital punishment law and America’s use of this punishment. In “Understanding Capital Punishment Law,” a new book published as part of the LexisNexis Understanding series, law professors Linda Carter and Ellen Kreitzberg offer students in capital punishment courses an overview of this complex area of law. The book includes a thorough review of constitutional law and current issues related to capital punishment in the U.S. (Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 2004) The Second Edition of “America’s Experiment with Capital Punishment: Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of the Ultimate Penal Sanction” provides an overview of the history, politics, law, empirical evidence, and other aspects of the contemporary debate about the death penalty in America. Updated from the original 1998 text of the same name, the book includes essays by noted death penalty experts. (Edit. by J. Acker, R. Bohm, & C. Lanier, Carolina Academic Press, 2003) See Resources.