The International Academic Network for the Abolition of Capital Punishment has recent­ly released Still Killing,” a doc­u­men­tary filmed dur­ing the International Colloquium on the Abolition or Moratoria of the Death Penalty (held at the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid, Spain) and the Fourth World Congress Against the Death Penalty (in Geneva). The film includes tes­ti­mo­ny and opin­ions of pro­fes­sors, researchers, and oth­er experts on the death penal­ty. The film is intend­ed to be a teach­ing and train­ing resource, and is accom­pa­nied by a dis­cus­sion guide and two addi­tion­al DVDs that con­tain inter­views that were the basis of the doc­u­men­tary. The film was direct­ed by Adan Nieto, Manuel Maroto and Marta Munoz.

(A. Nieto, M. Maroto and M. Munoz, Still Killing,” International Academic Network for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, April 2011). See International and Resources.

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