Kamala Harris, the new­ly-elect­ed San Francisco District Attorney, recent­ly spoke about her approach to keep­ing the community safe: 

The dia­logue about pub­lic safe­ty in San Francisco and across the coun­try is usu­al­ly dom­i­nat­ed by one sim­plis­tic ques­tion — are you tough” on crime, or are you soft” on crime? As we start a new era in the dis­trict attor­ney’s office today, it’s time to put an end to that false choice. Let’s start today by being smart on crime.

We also need to reject sim­plis­tic, reac­tive pub­lic poli­cies. It takes more than build­ing pris­ons and lock­ing away pris­on­ers to keep our city safe. As dis­trict attor­ney, I will not use 3‑strikes enhance­ments unless the 3rd strike is a vio­lent or seri­ous felony; nor will I ever ask for the death penalty. 

At the same time, let me be unmis­tak­ably clear that any­one who com­mits a rape, molests a child, com­mits mur­der or any oth­er vio­lent act will be met with the most severe con­se­quences and be removed from this com­mu­ni­ty so that they can do no more harm.

(San Francisco Chronicle, January 8, 2004) See New Voices.

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