Speaking at the American Bar Association’s Thurgood Marshall Awards Dinner in Illinois, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said that the death penal­ty has seri­ous flaws.” He recalled the late Justice Marshall in remark­ing how much the coun­try has learned about the risks in death cas­es: Since his retire­ment, with the ben­e­fit of DNA evi­dence, we have learned that a sub­stan­tial num­ber of death sen­tences have been imposed erro­neous­ly,” Stevens said dur­ing the cer­e­mo­ny. He added that Supreme Court cas­es have revealed that a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of defen­dants in cap­i­tal cas­es have not been pro­vid­ed with ful­ly com­pe­tent legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion at tri­al.” He also ques­tioned the fair­ness of the jury selec­tion process in cap­i­tal cas­es, which elim­i­nates poten­tial jurors who are opposed to the death penal­ty. (Associated Press, August 7, 2005). Read Justice Stevens’ Remarks. See Innocence and New Voices.

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