Dr. Richard Land, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention and a strong death penal­ty sup­port­er in the past, recent­ly said that sup­port is only war­rant­ed if the death penal­ty is applied fair­ly. If you are going to sup­port the death penal­ty then you have to be as sup­port­ive of its equi­table and just appli­ca­tion,” Land said. He not­ed that it would be immoral to sup­port cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment oth­er­wise. Land added that in the United States, a per­son is much more like­ly to be exe­cut­ed if he or she is of col­or or is poor instead of wealthy. (Christian Post, November 21, 2005). The Southern Baptist Convention is the sec­ond largest denom­i­na­tion in the coun­try. See New Voices.
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