Despite efforts by some state lead­ers to quick­ly fix” the state’s death penal­ty stat­ue, oppo­si­tion from many leg­is­la­tors halt­ed attempts to pass a bill before the sum­mer recess at the end of July. At a leg­isla­tive con­fer­ence on the issue, Assemblyman Jeffrion Aubry not­ed that a lot of peo­ple who spoke were against it.” These sen­ti­ments prompt­ed Majority Leader Paul Tokasz to announce that leg­is­la­tors were going to take some time with it” before decid­ing how to address con­cerns raised by the court. The Court of Appeals struck down the law in June, say­ing its sen­tenc­ing pro­vi­sions were coer­cive. Legislators will recon­vene in August. (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, July 22, 2004) Read DPIC’s sum­ma­ry of the New York rul­ing.

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