Ohio Governor Bob Taft has grant­ed clemen­cy to Jerome Campbell, who was sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on June 27th for a 1988 mur­der in Cincinnati. The clemen­cy, Taft’s first since he took office, fol­lows the rec­om­men­da­tion of the state’s Parole Board, which vot­ed 6 – 2 in favor of clemen­cy. Defense attor­neys main­tain that Campbell should be retried because a DNA test he request­ed from the state showed that blood on his gym shoes intro­duced as tri­al evi­dence was Campbell’s own blood, not the vic­tim’s. The results marked the first time an Ohio pris­on­er obtained DNA test results through a state law that allows death row inmates to have DNA test­ing at the state’s expense. In its rec­om­men­da­tion, the Parole Board not­ed that jurors may have spared Campbell’s life dur­ing his ini­tial tri­al had they had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er the DNA information.

(Associated Press, June 26, 2003). See Clemency.

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