In a recent University of Wisconsin Badger Poll, more respon­dents favored a sen­tence of life with­out parole rather than the death penal­ty. Only 45% sup­port­ed cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, while 50% favored life sen­tences. When asked about the death penal­ty in the­o­ry, with­out any alter­na­tive sen­tences men­tioned, 55.6% of Wisconsinites polled favored cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment for cas­es involv­ing a per­son who is con­vict­ed of first degree inten­tion­al homi­cides, if the con­vic­tion is sup­port­ed by DNA evi­dence.” In a non-bind­ing November ref­er­en­dum, vot­ers will con­sid­er the rein­state­ment of the death penal­ty in the state. The Badger Poll ques­tioned 508 per­sons and has a mar­gin of error of +/-4%.

(Badger Poll Release, July 17, 2006). See Public Opinion and Life Without Parole.

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