On September 9, The Bob Edwards Show on Sirius XM Radio inter­viewed Stephen Bright and Nina Morrison regard­ing the case of Troy Anthony Davis. Edwards is the award-win­ning for­mer host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition.” The show offered this intro­duc­tion: Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court did some­thing it hadn’t done in 50 years – it ordered a stay of exe­cu­tion and court hear­ing for an inmate to attempt to prove his inno­cence. Since 1991, Troy Davis has been on death row in Georgia, con­vict­ed of shoot­ing an off-duty cop. Even though sev­en of the nine eye­wit­ness­es who tes­ti­fied against him have come for­ward to say they either were mis­tak­en or delib­er­ate­ly lied, no court has let them tes­ti­fy with this infor­ma­tion. Nina Morrison of the Innocence Project joins Stephen Bright of the Southern Center for Human Rights to talk about the case and what it por­tends for oth­er wrong­ful con­vic­tions through­out the country.”

(The Bob Edwards Show, Sept. 9, 2009, Sirius XM Radio). The pro­gram will be avail­able (for a small fee) for down­load­ing and lis­ten­ing through Audible. See Innocence and Multimedia.

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