Testimony and Statements

Items: 101 — 108

Oct 20, 1997

Statement by Catholic Bishops of Texas on Capital Punishment

October 20, 1997As spir­i­tu­al lead­ers in the com­mu­ni­ty we Catholic Bishops of Texas are acute­ly aware of the vio­lence in our state. Despite a grow­ing reliance on longer sen­tences, more pris­ons, and more exe­cu­tions, our state’s crime rate has…

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Sep 09, 1997

Catholic Church Expresses Strong Opposition to Capital Punishment in Catechism

The Vatican issued the defin­i­tive Latin lan­guage ver­sion of its Universal Catechism on September 9, 1997. The pri­ma­ry change in the cat­e­chism focus­es on legit­i­mate defense and the death penal­ty . The new ver­sion reads: The tra­di­tion­al teach­ing of the Church does not exclude … recourse to the death penal­ty when it is the only prac­ti­cal way to effi­cient­ly defend the lives of human beings from the unjust aggres­sor.” It con­tin­ues, Today, in fact, because the means states have to repress…

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