Death Row Stories” is a new 8‑part series pre­mier­ing on March 9 on CNN that will exam­ine actu­al death penal­ty cas­es. The show is pro­duced by Robert Redford and nar­rat­ed by Dead Man Walking star Susan Sarandon. Redford said, This series is about the search for jus­tice and truth, we are pleased to … tell these impor­tant sto­ries and give a voice to these cas­es.” Prior to the pre­miere, CNN is offer­ing inter­est­ed par­ties an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a pre­view and the abil­i­ty to par­tic­i­pate in a Google Hangout fea­tur­ing a dis­cus­sion by the pro­duc­ers and law pro­fes­sors John Blume of Cornell and Robert Blecker of New York Law School. The Google Hangout will be held March 5 at 6 pm EST and is open to the pub­lic, but an RSVP is required. A pro­mo for the show can be found here.

(CNN, Death Row Stories,” Press mate­ri­als; DPIC post­ed Feb. 21, 2014). See Death Row and Multimedia.

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