The Justice Minister of Rwanda, Tharcisse Karugarama, announced that the coun­try will like­ly pass a law by December 2006 end­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. This move would allow Rwanda to try sus­pects charged with atroc­i­ties in the 1994 war who are cur­rent­ly in coun­tries that refuse to extra­dite pris­on­ers if they face the death penal­ty. Karugarama said that abo­li­tion was nec­es­sary in order to achieve a sense of clo­sure. Unless the coun­try abol­ish­es the death penal­ty, coun­tries like Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland will not extra­dite sus­pects to be tried in Rwanda’s nation­al courts. Only the U.S. has extra­dit­ed a sus­pect to Rwanda. Suspects held under United Nations aus­pices also can­not be sent to Rwanda if the death penal­ty is to be sought.

(The East African (Nairobi), on AllAfrica​.com, Sept. 5, 2006). See International.

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