Death-Penalty News and Developments for the Week of July 814, 2019: Conviction and Death Sentence Overturned for Lone Woman on Oregon Death Row

NEWS: JULY 10 — An Oregon tri­al court has over­turned the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence of Angela McAnaulty, the only woman on the state’s death row. The Washington County Circuit Court found that McAnaulty’s lawyers had pro­vid­ed inef­fec­tive assis­tance in advis­ing her to plead guilty to mur­der when the District Attorney had not agreed to drop the death penal­ty for those charges. The court also ruled that coun­sel were inef­fec­tive at the penal­ty phase for fail­ing to con­sult an expert wit­ness on the ques­tion of whether McAnaulty would present a future dan­ger in a prison set­ting and for fail­ing to inves­ti­gate and present sig­nif­i­cant men­tal health and life his­to­ry mitigating evidence.

NEWS: July 10 — A Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas judge has sen­tenced for­mer Ohio death-row pris­on­er Kelly Foust to life with­out pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole. As part of a plea deal with coun­ty pros­e­cu­tors, Foust agreed to waive all future appeals in his case. In 2011, a fed­er­al appeals court had over­turned Foust’s death sen­tence, cit­ing his tri­al lawyer’s inef­fec­tive­ness in fail­ing to inves­ti­gate and present avail­able mit­i­gat­ing evi­dence, includ­ing evi­dence of what the court described as hor­rif­ic” childhood abuse.

DPIC has updat­ed our sen­tenc­ing data to reflect two pre­vi­ous­ly unrecord­ed death sen­tences, one from 2012 and one from 2018. The 2012 California death sen­tence of Raymond Oscar Butler had been mis­clas­si­fied as a resen­tence, and the 2018 Nevada death sen­tence of Keith Barlow was not dis­cov­ered in our initial research.