Death-Penalty News and Developments for the Week of September 2 – September 82019

NEWS — September 5: The Florida Supreme Court has upheld the con­vic­tion and death sen­tence imposed on Shawn Rogers for a 2012 prison mur­der. Rogers was per­mit­ted to waive his right to coun­sel and rep­re­sent him­self at tri­al. After the jury unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend­ed a death sen­tence, coun­sel was appoint­ed to rep­re­sent Rogers — over his objec­tion — in a sub­se­quent hear­ing in which the court sen­tenced him to death. The appeals court affirmed the judge’s deter­mi­na­tion that the aggra­vat­ing cir­cum­stances out­weighed the mit­i­gat­ing cir­cum­stances in the case.

NEWS — September 5: Two eager­ly await­ed death-penal­ty films opened at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival. Just Mercy, the film adap­ta­tion of Bryan Stevenson’s book of the same name, stars Michael B. Jordan as Stevenson and Jamie Foxx as death-row pris­on­er Walter McMillan. The film tells the true sto­ry of Stevenson’s suc­cess­ful efforts to prove McMillan’s innocence. 

Clemency, a dra­ma by writer and direc­tor Chinonye Chukwu, stars Alfre Woodard as death-row prison war­den Bernadine Williams and Aldis Hodge as death-row pris­on­er Anthony Woods. Los Angeles Times crit­ic Justin Chang glow­ing­ly reviewed Clemency, call­ing the film an aus­tere and gal­va­niz­ing dra­ma” and prais­ing Woodard’s per­for­mance as superb.” Chang said Clemency advances its own pow­er­ful case against the death penal­ty, one that man­i­fests lit­tle faith in the sys­tem but shows a pro­found belief in the audience’s intelligence.” 

DPIC’s Senior Director of Research and Special Projects, Ngozi Ndulue, inter­viewed Chukwu for the lat­est edi­tion of the Discussions with DPIC pod­cast. You can lis­ten to the pod­cast here.