Virginia — The House Health, Welfare, and Institutions Committee vot­ed 13 – 9 on February 25 to approve a bill that would make the iden­ti­ty of any enti­ty that pro­vides exe­cu­tion drugs pub­lic infor­ma­tion. SB 270 passed the Virginia Senate by a 22 – 18 vote on February 4. It can now be con­sid­ered by the full House of Delegates.

Florida — The House Judiciary Committee vot­ed 17 – 0 on February 26 to approve a bill grant­i­ng $2.15 mil­lion in com­pen­sa­tion to death-row exoneree Clifford Williams. Williams was wrong­ful­ly incar­cer­at­ed for 43 years before being exon­er­at­ed in 2019. HB 6507 and its com­pan­ion bill, SB 28, have both been approved by com­mit­tees in their respective houses.

Alabama — The Senate Judiciary Committee vot­ed 4 – 3 on February 27 to approve a bill that would short­en the state appeals process by pro­vid­ing less appel­late review. SB 200 would vest exclu­sive juris­dic­tion over state cap­i­tal appeals in the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals and elim­i­nate the cur­rent­ly exist­ing dis­cre­tionary review of the crim­i­nal court’s deci­sions by the Alabama Supreme Court. The bill would fur­ther attempt to expe­dite appel­late deci­sions in cap­i­tal cas­es by grant­i­ng pri­or­i­ty sched­ul­ing sta­tus to capital appeals.

Kentucky The Senate Judiciary Committee vot­ed on February 27 to approve a bill that would pro­hib­it the death penal­ty for defen­dants with severe men­tal ill­ness. SB 154 passed the Judiciary Committee and advanced to the Rules Committee.

Washington The House Committee on Public Safety vot­ed 7 – 3 on February 27 to approve a bill that would remove the death penal­ty from Washington’s laws, for­mal­iz­ing the 2018 judi­cial abo­li­tion of the death penal­ty. SB 5339 passed the full Senate in January and is now under con­sid­er­a­tion in the House.