The lat­est issue of the report, Death Penalty for Female Offenders,” has been released by Professor Victor Streib of the Ohio Northern University School of Law. The report includes nation­al trends regard­ing women and the death penal­ty and case details about indi­vid­ual female death row inmates from 1973 through June 30, 2009. The report notes that while women account for one in ten mur­der arrests (10%), only one in forty-nine death sen­tences imposed at tri­al are for women (2%); women account for one in six­ty-two peo­ple on death row (1.6%), and only one in one hun­dred and six (0.9%) of peo­ple actu­al­ly exe­cut­ed in the mod­ern era have been women. Additionally, almost half of the women now on death row were sen­tenced in domes­tic cas­es, with the vic­tims being hus­bands, boyfriends, or their chil­dren. The lead­ing states for sen­tenc­ing women to death in the mod­ern era are Texas (19), California (18), Florida (17), and North Carolina (16). The full report may be read here.

(V. Streib, Death Penalty for Female Offenders,” June 2009). See Studies and Women.

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