Some of the fam­i­lies of those mur­dered in a mul­ti­ple shoot­ing in Seal Beach, California, in 2011 recent­ly asked the District Attorney to not seek the death penal­ty against the defen­dant, Scott Dekraai. The fam­i­lies said the delays in pur­su­ing such a case extend­ed their agony and forced them to relive the inci­dent. Instead they rec­om­mend­ed a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment with­out parole. Paul Wilson, whose wife was killed in the shoot­ings, said, We’d like to see a speedy, and just, way to go about this tri­al… This will end up con­sum­ing the rest of my life.” Another fam­i­ly mem­ber, Rooney Daschbach, spoke for his four sib­lings and said, We request­ed that they accept the plea on the grounds that there’s no way he’d ever be exe­cut­ed. We don’t have an issue with the D.A.’s effort to obtain the most severe penal­ty but we just have an issue with the fact that the death penal­ty sys­tem is bro­ken.” Dekraai is expect­ed to begin tri­al near­ly three years after the shootings.

California has not had an exe­cu­tion in 7 years. Thirteen inmates have been exe­cut­ed in the past 35 years, while 731 inmates remain on death row. The D.A. is con­tin­u­ing to pur­sue the death penal­ty, not­ing that some of the fam­i­lies wanted it.

(V. Jolly, L. Welborn, and A. Klein, Seal Beach shoot­ings: Some fam­i­lies want death penal­ty dropped,” Orange County Register, October 10, 2013). See Victims; lis­ten to DPIC’s pod­cast on Victims.

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