After spend­ing 18 years in prison for a crime he did not com­mit, Arthur Mumphrey received a full par­don from Texas Governor Rick Perry. The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles had unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend­ed that Perry par­don Mumphrey based on DNA test results that showed he was not respon­si­ble for assault­ing a 13-year-old girl in 1986, a crime for which Mumphrey was sen­tenced to serve 35 years in prison. My action today can­not give back the time he spent in prison, but it does end this mis­car­riage of jus­tice,” Perry said. Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney Marc Brumberger, who filed for the par­don request, added, I’m glad to hear it (the par­don) was signed so quick­ly. It’s a very nice thing to be involved in, despite the fact that our job is to try to keep peo­ple in jail. This is one of my most reward­ing cas­es.” Mumphrey said, I feel great.… [I]t’s a great relief to have it all behind me.” Mumphrey was released on January 17 after the DNA results were revealed, but the par­don was grant­ed on March 17. A co-defen­dant had tes­ti­fied against Mumphrey in exchange for a lesser sentence. 

(Houston Chronicle, March 18, 2006). See Innocence.

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