On January 14, President Tsakhia Elbegdorj called for a mora­to­ri­um on all exe­cu­tions in Mongolia. President Elbegdorj told the Mongolian par­lia­ment, The major­i­ty of the world’s coun­tries have cho­sen to abol­ish the death penal­ty. We should fol­low this path.” He vowed to par­don those on death row and sug­gest­ed com­mut­ing the death sen­tences to a 30-year prison term. Amnesty International esti­mat­ed that at least 5 peo­ple were exe­cut­ed in Mongolia in 2008 and nine were thought to be on death row as of July 2009. President Elbegdorj said, Mongolia is a dig­ni­fied coun­try … and our cit­i­zens are dig­ni­fied peo­ple. Therefore, I ask Mongolia to put behind us this death penal­ty which degrades our dig­ni­ty to death. The road a demo­c­ra­t­ic Mongolia has to take ought to be clean and bloodless.”

(J. Macartney, Mongolia to abol­ish the death penal­ty,” Times Online, January 14, 2010). See also International.

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