Relatives of a North Carolina inmate who bragged he had an easy life on death row recent­ly made clear that he is seri­ous­ly men­tal­ly ill and suf­fer­ing great­ly in his con­fine­ment. Danny Hembree Jr. had writ­ten a let­ter to his local news­pa­per taunt­ing­ly describ­ing his expe­ri­ence on death row as a life of leisure filled with col­or TV and naps. However, his sis­ter, Kathy Hembree Ledbetter, said he was a depressed man who had lashed out in hope­less­ness. She apol­o­gized to the vic­tim’s fam­i­lies and the com­mu­ni­ty for any hurt the orig­i­nal let­ter had cuased. Hembree’s fam­i­ly con­tra­dict­ed the let­ter he had writ­ten to the Gaston Gazette, stat­ing it was not an accu­rate reflec­tion of his life on death row, and that he is men­tal­ly ill and severe­ly depressed. Hembree’s sis­ter released a let­ter he sent to her in which he admit­ted, I try to put on a non­cha­lant atti­tude for you guys but it is over­whelm­ing and depress­ing to look at these walls and elec­tric doors and bright lights 24 – 7 and digest the fact that I’m nev­er going to leave until they mur­der me or I just die. Either way I’m nev­er leav­ing here alive. I know I promised you that I would fight this but I’m almost fought out.” Kathy Ledbetter said, I am shar­ing a let­ter he wrote recent­ly to me in order to try to reveal the truth about his men­tal and emo­tion­al state which was brought out at his tri­al. He has had severe men­tal ill­ness for over 35 years of his 50 years of life. He is not hap­py, he is not com­fort­able and he is not well. He is being pun­ished for his crimes and he is in a bad place. I feel deeply for the fam­i­lies who have been affect­ed by his actions, actions that were moti­vat­ed by mental illness.”

(See C. Ng, Death Row Dad Contradicted By Son on Life of Leisure’,” ABC News, January 27, 2012; Letter to Kathy Hembree Ledbetter from Danny Hembree Jr.) See Mental Illness and Death Row.

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