Entries tagged with “Raymond Paternoster”
Apr 14, 2023
LAW REVIEWS — Collection of Articles on the Death Penalty from Leading Scholars
The following law review articles by several key death penalty researchers were recently published in 107 Cornell Law Review, No. 6, September, 2022. They cover a variety of issues, such as the interplay between race and capital punishment, the history of the death penalty, the federal death penalty, sentencing trends, and the federal court’s role in capital…
Mar 10, 2023
LAW REVIEWS— Getting to Death: Examining the Role of Race in the Steps Leading to a Death Sentence
In an article in the Cornell Law Review, Professors Jeffrey Fagan, Garth Davies, and Raymond Paternoster show how arbitrariness and race operate at each stage of a capital case, from charging death-eligible cases to plea negotiations to the selection of eligible cases for execution and ultimately to the execution itself. The authors applied rigorous analytic methods to a dataset of 2,328 first-degree murder cases in Georgia from 1995 – 2004 and found that two factors have significant…