The Inter Press Service, with the assis­tance of the European Commission, has recent­ly pub­lished Crime and Justice: Abolishing the Death Penalty,” col­lect­ing more than 100 reports from dozens of coun­tries and every con­ti­nent. IPS used the voic­es of those who work direct­ly with the death penal­ty issue to present a world-wide pic­ture of the sta­tus of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. The sto­ries told in the report are from activists, aca­d­e­mics, lawyers and death row inmates. They range from dis­patch­es from Central Asia to one about a botched lethal injec­tion exe­cu­tion in Florida that dragged on for 34 min­utes. As a fol­low-up to this exe­cu­tion, an IPS cor­re­spon­dent reports on the U.S. Supreme Court’s review of the lethal injec­tion issue, which has result­ed in a coun­try-wide mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions. Additionally, the sec­tion on the United States includes sto­ries about clemen­cy, Ohio’s abo­li­tion move­ment, and many oth­er death penal­ty issues. To down­load the 208-page book in pdf for­mat, click on the image to the left. 

(“Crime and Justice: Abolishing the Death Penalty,” Petar Hadji-Ristic, edi­tor, Inter Press Service Dec. 2007). Posted Jan. 25, 2008. See Books and International.

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