In True Stories of False Confessions, edi­tors Rob Warden and Steven Drizin present arti­cles about some of the key accounts of false con­fes­sions in the U.S. jus­tice sys­tem writ­ten by more than forty authors, includ­ing Alex Kotlowitz and John Grisham. The cas­es are grouped into cat­e­gories such as brain­wash­ing, infer­ence, fab­ri­ca­tion, and men­tal fragili­ty. This refutes the per­cep­tion that false con­fes­sions rep­re­sent indi­vid­ual tragedies rather than a sys­temic flaw in the jus­tice sys­tem. The edi­tors make rec­om­men­da­tions for pol­i­cy changes that would reduce false confessions.

(R. Warren & S. Drizin, edi­tors, True Stories of False Confessions,” Northwestern University Press, 2009). See Books and Innocence.

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