DPIC is begin­ning a new series of pod­casts based on the his­to­ry of the death penal­ty in each state. The series will first present the states that have end­ed the death penal­ty. Three pod­casts, fea­tur­ing Michigan, Wisconsin, and Maine, are now avail­able. These short audio clips sum­ma­rize the his­to­ry sur­round­ing the repeal of the death penal­ty in those states, includ­ing famous cas­es, issues that spurred leg­is­la­tors to take action, and sub­se­quent attempts at rein­state­ment of the death penal­ty. We hope this new series will be an excel­lent resource for stu­dents research­ing their state’s his­to­ry, and for any­one curi­ous about how his­tor­i­cal events shaped our present-day cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment sys­tem. Our ear­li­er series of pod­casts dealt with the many issues sur­round­ing the death penal­ty. You can lis­ten to these and all of our pod­casts on our Podcasts page or by sub­scrib­ing on iTunes.

(Posted by DPIC, August 29, 2014). See also History of the Death Penalty and Multi-media.

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