The (Louisville, KY) Courier-Journal

March 92004


The case against sen­tenc­ing 16- and 17-year-olds to death is very strong, but Kentucky law still allows it. House Bill 475 would change that.

Just last week, South Dakota and Wyoming became the 30th and 31st states to abol­ish the juve­nile death penal­ty. HB 475 would make Kentucky the 32nd.

The argu­ment for exe­cut­ing some­one like Kevin Stanford (who was 17 when he com­mit­ted his espe­cial­ly gris­ly crime — the tor­ture and mur­der of gas sta­tion atten­dant Baerbel Poore — is pow­er­ful. But Mark Wright, past head of the Kentucky Psychiatric Association, offers an even more com­pelling response, cit­ing land­mark research that shows juve­niles are far less devel­oped than we ever knew.”

Research report­ed at Harvard Medical School shows that brain devel­op­ment does­n’t end at puber­ty. Executive” areas of the brain (where emo­tions are calmed, impuls­es con­trolled, deci­sions made, abstract ideas processed and mul­ti­ple tasks han­dled) may not mature until the ear­ly-to-mid 20s. Many laws already rec­og­nize that, as Dr. Wright put it, kids are different.”

Of course, Kevin Stanford was no kid” when he com­mit­ted his awful crime, but, at age 17, soci­ety did­n’t con­sid­er him respon­si­ble enough to vote, serve in mil­i­tary com­bat or on juries, make med­ical deci­sions, sign con­tracts, get mar­ried, leave home, buy cig­a­rettes or drink liquor. And the pub­lic still takes a cus­to­di­al view of 16- and 17-year-olds. Only 26 per­cent of Americans sup­port the death penal­ty for juve­niles. Polls say Kentuckians want to elim­i­nate it, by a mar­gin of two to one.

The alliance against the juve­nile death penal­ty includes a wide range of oppo­nents, from chil­dren’s and civ­il rights orga­ni­za­tions to legal, med­ical, reli­gious and right-to-life groups. The United States leads the world in exe­cut­ing juve­nile offend­ers, because nobody else does it. And Kentucky should­n’t. Pass HB475.


The (Louisville, KY) Courier-Journal