Ohio’s death penal­ty is plagued by vast inequities” ground­ed in race, gen­der, and geog­ra­phy, accord­ing to a new University of North Carolina study. UNC-Chapel Hill polit­i­cal sci­ence pro­fes­sor Frank Baumgartner exam­ined the 53 exe­cu­tions Ohio has con­duct­ed since resum­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the 1970s. His study found quite sig­nif­i­cant” racial, gen­der, and geo­graph­ic dis­par­i­ties in Ohio’s exe­cu­tions that, Baumgartner said, under­mine pub­lic con­fi­dence in the state’s abil­i­ty to car­ry out the death penal­ty in a fair and impar­tial man­ner.” The data showed that Ohio was 6 times more like­ly to exe­cute a pris­on­er con­vict­ed of killing a white female vic­tim than if the vic­tim was a black male. Although 43% of Ohio mur­der vic­tims are white, 65% of Ohio exe­cu­tions involved the mur­der of white vic­tims. Similarly, while only 27% of Ohio mur­der vic­tims are female, 52% of all exe­cu­tions involved cas­es with female vic­tims. The study also dis­cov­ered sig­nif­i­cant geo­graph­ic dis­par­i­ties in Ohio exe­cu­tions. More that half of the state’s exe­cu­tions were con­cen­trat­ed in just 4 coun­ties, while more than 3/​4 of Ohio coun­ties have not pro­duced any exe­cu­tions. Lake County had an exe­cu­tion rate that was 11 times the statewide aver­age. Although the state’s three most pop­u­lous coun­ties (Cuyahoga, Franklin, and Hamilton) have sim­i­lar mur­der rates, Hamilton’s .60 exe­cu­tions per 100 homi­cides was more than dou­ble the rate in Cuyahoga and near­ly 9 times that in Franklin. Sharon L. Davies, Executive Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University, said that the race or gen­der of a vic­tim, and the coun­ty of the crime, should not influ­ence who is sen­tenced to die” and urged Ohio cit­i­zens and lawmakers[to] review the find­ings of this impor­tant research.” (Click here to enlarge image.)

Citation Guide

Frank Baumgartner, The Impact of Race, Gender, and Geography on Ohio Executions, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January 28, 2016; Alan Johnson, Study finds racial, gen­der bias in Ohio exe­cu­tions, The Columbus Dispatch, January 282016.