
Items: 441 — 450

Mar 06, 2007

ABA Panel Finds Executions In Indiana Random’

Florida Commission Recommends Changes to Lethal Injection Process ABA Panel Finds Executions in Indiana Random’ The Indiana Death Penalty Assessment Team, under the aus­pices of the American Bar Association, has called for a halt to exe­cu­tions in the state because of con­cerns about the arbi­trari­ness of the state’s death penal­ty. The seem­ing­ly ran­dom process of charg­ing deci­sions, plea agree­ments, and jury rec­om­men­da­tions is just part of a death penal­ty sys­tem that has…

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Feb 26, 2007

Indiana ABA Assessment Team Calls For Halt to Executions, Issues Recommmendations

The Indiana Death Penalty Assessment Team, under the aus­pices of the American Bar Association, has called for a halt to exe­cu­tions in the state because of con­cerns about the arbi­trari­ness of the state’s death penal­ty. The seem­ing­ly ran­dom process of charg­ing deci­sions, plea agree­ments, and jury rec­om­men­da­tions is just part of a death penal­ty sys­tem that has apt­ly been called Indiana’s oth­er lot­tery’,” the group not­ed in its report. The sev­en-mem­ber Indiana pan­el was organized…

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Feb 14, 2007

NEW RESOURCES: The Possible Innocence of Troy Davis

A new report issued by Amnesty International focus­es on the case of Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis to illus­trate the issue of inno­cence and the legal hur­dles that death row inmates face in seek­ing judi­cial relief. The report — Where is the jus­tice for me?’ The case of Troy Davis, Facing Execution in Georgia — notes that Davis has been on death row for 15 years for a mur­der that he main­tains he did not com­mit. Many of the state’s wit­ness­es against Davis have since…

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Feb 14, 2007

Virginia Man Could Face Execution Despite Ineffectual Representation

Christopher Scott Emmett could face exe­cu­tion in Virginia before the end of the year despite the fact that his legal rep­re­sen­ta­tion fell short of decades-old American Bar Association stan­dards, accord­ing to an inves­ti­ga­tion by McClatchy Newspapers reporter Stephen Henderson. Emmett was sen­tenced to death in 2001, and his sto­ry was among the 73 cas­es reviewed recent­ly in the McClatchy series. During the sen­tenc­ing phase of his tri­al, Emmett’s pub­lic defend­er, Lawrence D. Gott,…

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Jan 26, 2007

NEW RESOURCES: No Defense: Shortcut to Death Row”

A recent four-part news inves­ti­ga­tion by McClatchey News exam­ined the qual­i­ty of coun­sel in four death penal­ty states. The series, No Defense: Shortcut to Death Row,” explores cap­i­tal rep­re­sen­ta­tion in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Virginia. The research revealed that those states have exten­sive prob­lems with ade­quate coun­sel, a fact under­scored in the series through case exam­ples that illus­trate the sys­tems’ inad­e­qua­cies. The series…

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Jan 24, 2007

NEW RESOURCES: State of the States” Report Features U.S. Death Penalty Developments

Stateline​.orgs recent State of the States” report fea­tures an exten­sive arti­cle on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment trends in the United States. The piece includes a thor­ough review of lethal injec­tion chal­lenges in the states, as well as a brief update on the issue of inno­cence and an overview of oth­er state leg­isla­tive devel­op­ments, such as efforts to autho­rize the death penal­ty for some crimes oth­er than mur­der. The arti­cle notes that ques­tions about lethal injec­tion put the death…

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Jan 02, 2007

New Jersey Commission Recommends Abolition of the Death Penalty

EXECUTION REPRIEVES Gov. Ted Strickland of Ohio grant­ed tem­po­rary reprieves to three inmates sched­uled for exe­cu­tion in the next 5 weeks in order to allow more time to con­sid­er whether clemen­cy should be grant­ed: Kenneth Biros, James Filiaggi, and Christopher Newton. (Jan. 19, 2007). See…

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Jan 02, 2007

New Jersey Legislative Commission Recommends Abolition of State’s Death Penalty

After exten­sive pub­lic hear­ings, the New Jersey Death Penalty Study Commission issued a report on January 2 call­ing for an end to the state’s death penal­ty and replac­ing it with a sen­tence of life with­out parole. The 13-mem­ber Commission was appoint­ed by the state leg­is­la­ture, which also placed a mora­to­ri­um on all exe­cu­tions until a report was pre­pared. The report cit­ed the risks of exe­cut­ing the inno­cent, the high costs of the death penal­ty, and soci­ety’s evolv­ing stan­dards of decency…

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Dec 22, 2006

RESOURCES: DEATH ROW USA Fall 2006 Now Available — Florida Surpasses Texas

The lat­est edi­tion of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund’s Death Row, USA” reports that the num­ber of peo­ple on death row in the United States has con­tin­ued to decline, falling to 3,344 as of October 1, 2006. The size of death row has been declin­ing since 2000 after 25 years of steady increas­es. For the first time in many years, Florida (398) sur­passed Texas (392) in the size of its deathrow. California (657) con­tin­ued to have the largest death…

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Dec 15, 2006


DPIC’s 12th annu­al Year End Report was released on December 14 and reveals a broad decline in the use of the death penal­ty in the U.S. based on a num­ber of fac­tors: the pub­lic now favors life with­out parole over the death penal­ty; the num­ber of exe­cu­tions has dropped to the fewest in a decade, in part because of chal­lenges to the lethal injec­tion process; and the annu­al num­ber of death sen­tences is now at a 30-year low. The report notes that var­i­ous states have put a hold on all…

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