Entries tagged with “Rocky Myers

Mar 03, 2025

Alabama Governor Grants Clemency to Robin Rocky’ Myers, Sparing Him from Execution

On February 28, 2025, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey com­mut­ed the death sen­tence of Robin​‘Rocky’ Dion Myers to Life Without Parole (LWOP). Myers was con­vict­ed in the 1991 mur­der of Ludie Mae Tucker in Decatur, Alabama. His jury rec­om­mend­ed that he be sen­tenced to LWOP, but the judge in his case over­rode the jury’s rec­om­men­da­tion and hand­ed down a death sen­tence. The prac­tice of judi­cial over­ride was abol­ished in Alabama in 2017. In her state­ment, Gov. Ivey repeated her…


Mar 22, 2019

Despite Possible Innocence and Intellectual Disability, Alabama Intends to Execute Rocky Myers

Rocky Myers (pic­tured) may be inno­cent and intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled. His jury did not think he should be sen­tenced to die. Alabama intends to exe­cute him any­way. Myers’ case is rife with legal issues, but he received no fed­er­al court review because his appel­late lawyer aban­doned him with­out notice, let­ting the fil­ing dead­line for chal­leng­ing Myers’ con­vic­tion and death sen­tence expire. In a recent fea­ture sto­ry in The Nation, reporter Ashoka Mukpo tells the sto­ry of how the…




Jan 19, 2017

Alabama Faith Leaders Hold Panel on Death Penalty, Spotlight Rocky’ Myers’ Case of Possible Innocence

Inspired by the case of Robin Rocky” Myers (pic­tured), an intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­abled and pos­si­bly inno­cent Alabama death row pris­on­er whom an elect­ed state judge sen­tenced to death despite a 9 – 3 jury rec­om­men­da­tion for life, a pan­el of faith lead­ers gath­ered in Montgomery, Alabama to dis­cuss reli­gious views on the death penal­ty and the inter­sec­tion of faith and jus­tice. Before the dis­cus­sion began, the faith lead­ers and the audi­ence viewed a…