Anthony Santoro has writ­ten a new book about reli­gious per­spec­tives on the death penal­ty, Exile and Embrace: Contemporary Religious Discourse on the Death Penalty. In describ­ing the book, John D. Bessler, a law pro­fes­sor at the University of Baltimore, said, Santoro tells the sto­ries of every­one from death row chap­lains to blog­gers and Bible study par­tic­i­pants. In dis­cussing trans­gres­sion, ret­ri­bu­tion, and the oth­er,’ he skill­ful­ly demon­strates how exe­cu­tions say more about us than about the offend­ers.” Santoro is a post­doc­tor­al fel­low at Heidelberg University in Germany.

(A. Santoro, Exile and Embrace: Contemporary Religious Discourse on the Death Penalty,” Northeastern University Press, August 2013). See Religion. Read more Books on the death penalty.

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