Nancy Mullane, a reporter for KALW Radio in San Francisco, is one of the few reporters to vis­it Californias death row at San Quentin Prison. In the block she vis­it­ed, there were 500 inmates, in 4‑by-10 foot cells, stacked five tiers high. The cells are about the size of a walk-in clos­et. Many of the inmates have been on death row for over 20 years. Inmates can show­er every oth­er day. One of the inmates she met with, Justin Helzer, had stabbed him­self in both eyes. He lat­er com­mit­ted sui­cide. California has the largest death row in the coun­try with 727 inmates. No one has been exe­cut­ed in 7 years. Listen to the full seg­ment here.

(N. Mullane, Walking death row at San Quentin State Prison,” KALW San Francisco Public Radio, April 29, 2013; seg­ment orig­i­nal­ly aired on October 29, 2012). See Death Row and Time on Death Row.

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