Publications & Testimony

Items: 4051 — 4060

Nov 16, 2009

NEW VOICES: Washington State Law Enforcement Officials Express Doubts About Death Penalty

Walla Walla County (Washington) Sheriff Mike Humphreys said the death penal­ty does not deter homi­cides, and it may be time for the pub­lic to recon­sid­er the law: At the time, (per­pe­tra­tors do not) think about [the death penal­ty]. They don’t believe they’re going to get caught. And if they do get caught, there are a lot of court pro­ceed­ings mak­ing it like­ly (exe­cu­tion is) not going to hap­pen.… It’s cost­ing us this much mon­ey. Let the peo­ple make that…

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Nov 15, 2009

DPIC’s Report on Costs and Police Views Subject of Bob Edwards Interview

The Bob Edwards on Sirius XM Radio recent­ly explored the high costs of the death penal­ty and the views of the coun­try’s police chiefs as dis­cussed in DPIC’s lat­est report, Smart on Crime: Reconsidering the Death Penalty in a Time of Economic Crisis.” Edwards is the for­mer host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition.” He inter­viewed DPIC’s Executive Director Richard Dieter on October 20.

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Nov 13, 2009

Ohio Proposes Major Change to Its Execution Process

On November 13, Ohio announced that it was adopt­ing a sin­gle-drug pro­to­col for lethal injec­tion, mak­ing it the first state to embrace this change. Ohio will inject inmates with a large dose of an anes­thet­ic, thiopen­tal sodi­um, which is sup­posed to both ren­der the inmate uncon­scious and even­tu­al­ly cause death. The state also said it will employ a back-up method of exe­cu­tion involv­ing the injec­tion of two anes­thet­ic drugs into the mus­cle of the defen­dant. In September, Ohio…

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Nov 12, 2009

NEW VOICES: Former Kentucky Officials Rethinking the Wisdom of High Death Penalty Expenditures

The for­mer direc­tor of Kentucky’s courts recent­ly rec­om­mend­ed that the state stop wast­ing mon­ey on the death penal­ty and direct those resources where they are need­ed more. We’ve got a sys­tem in Kentucky where there’s not enough mon­ey for pub­lic advo­cates, for pros­e­cu­tors, for drug courts, fam­i­ly courts, for juve­nile ser­vices, for reha­bil­i­ta­tion pro­grams, and we’re using the mon­ey we have in a way I think is unwise,” said Jason Nemes, for­mer direc­tor of the state Administrative Office…

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Nov 11, 2009

U.S. Supreme Court Restores Death Sentence for Ohio Inmate

On November 9, the U.S. Supreme Court grant­ed cer­tio­rari in the case of Bobby v. Van Hook (No. 09 – 144) and issued a per curi­am opin­ion over­turn­ing a pan­el of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which had grant­ed Robert Van Hook a new sen­tenc­ing hear­ing based on inef­fec­tive­ness of coun­sel. Van Hook had been con­vict­ed and sen­tenced to death for a mur­der com­mit­ted in 1985 fol­low­ing an encounter in a bar. The Supreme Court held that, judg­ing by professional…

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Nov 10, 2009

The Death Penalty in the State of Washington

The Walla-Walla Union Bulletin is focus­ing on the state’s death penal­ty in a 4‑part series enti­tled, Executing Justice.” The series exam­ines issues such as the costs of the death penal­ty, arbi­trari­ness, and the appeals process. Washington cur­rent­ly has eight men on death row, and has not had an exe­cu­tion since 2001. In almost 30 years, there has been only one non-con­sen­su­al exe­cu­tion. Four defen­dants have been exe­cut­ed since the death penal­ty was…

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Nov 06, 2009

STUDIES: Disparate Administration of the Military Death Penalty

A recent study of the mil­i­tary death penal­ty by Professor David Baldus revealed dis­par­i­ties depend­ing on whether the vic­tim in the under­ly­ing crime was also a mem­ber of the mil­i­tary or was a civil­ian. The paper was co-authored by Professors Catherine Grosso and George Woodworth and will be pub­lished by the Michigan Journal of Law Reform. The authors note that despite a 1984 exec­u­tive order that defined death eli­gi­ble mur­der in the armed forces…

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Nov 05, 2009

LAW REVIEWS: The Past, Present, and Future of the Death Penalty

The Tennessee Law Review recent­ly pub­lished a com­pi­la­tion of arti­cles and essays from its col­lo­qui­um, The Past, Present, and Future of the Death Penalty,” held in February 2009. Contributors focused on issues that have influ­enced cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment through­out the course of his­to­ry. An arti­cle by Hugo Adam Bedau, a promi­nent death penal­ty schol­ar, address­es the issues of inno­cence and racial bias in the appli­ca­tion of the death…

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Nov 04, 2009

EDITORIALS: Death penalty just too costly”

A recent opin­ion piece by the Editorial Director of the Clarion-Ledger in Mississippi points to the high costs of the death penal­ty as a way in which arbi­trari­ness enters into the appli­ca­tion of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment: When is a crime a crime deserv­ing of death?,” David Hampton asks. When the coun­ty can afford it, of course.” The paper sup­ports the death penal­ty but the Editorial Director offered the exam­ple of Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith, who…

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Nov 03, 2009

Georgia Supreme Court to Consider Effects of Delayed and Unfunded Representation in Death Penalty Case

On November 10, the Georgia Supreme Court will hear argu­ments from attor­neys for a cap­i­tal defen­dant, Jamie Weis, and from the state con­cern­ing a three-and-a-half year delay in bring­ing his case to tri­al. For two years of that delay, the Weis defense team had no fund­ing, and for 14 months he was com­plete­ly with­out rep­re­sen­ta­tion. During this entire time, the state was staffed and fund­ed to pre­pare its pros­e­cu­tion of Weis. The Court will decide whether Weis’s…

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