Publications & Testimony

Items: 4061 — 4070

Nov 02, 2009

NEW VOICES: The High Cost of the Death Penalty in Mississippi

The costs of the death penal­ty have been a bur­den on var­i­ous coun­ties in Mississippi for many years. Quitman County was forced to raise tax­es for three years and bor­rowed $150,000 to pro­vide legal coun­sel to Robert Simon and Anthony Carr, who were sen­tenced to death for mur­ders com­mit­ted in 1990. A death-penal­ty case is almost like light­ning strik­ing,” coun­ty admin­is­tra­tor Butch Scipper told The Wall Street Journal in 2002. It is…

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Oct 31, 2009

EDITORIALS: The Price of Death

A recent edi­to­r­i­al in America Magazine enti­tled The Price of Death reviewed the grow­ing prob­lems with the death penal­ty and stat­ed, It is time for the nation to con­clude once and for all that in our civ­i­lized soci­ety there is no place for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment.” The nation­al Catholic week­ly cit­ed the recent­ly botched exe­cu­tion in Ohio, racial dis­par­i­ties, and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of exe­cut­ing the inno­cent as rea­sons why pub­lic sup­port for cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment has declined.

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Oct 30, 2009

All Charges Dismissed Against Former Texas Death Row Inmate – 139th Exoneration Nationally

On October 28, 2009, Travis County, Texas, pros­e­cu­tors moved to dis­miss all charges against Michael Scott and Robert Springsteen, who had been con­vict­ed of the mur­der of four teens in an Austin yogurt shop in 1991. (Springsteen was con­vict­ed in 2001; Scott in 2002.) Springsteen had been sen­tenced to death and Scott was sen­tenced to life in prison. The con­vic­tions of both men were over­turned by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals because they had not been…

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Oct 29, 2009

EDITORIALS: Time for America to Move Past Capital Punishment”

A recent edi­to­r­i­al from the Aurora Sentinel in Colorado com­ment­ed on the botched exe­cu­tion of Romell Broom. The paper enti­tled its posi­tion as Time for America to move past cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment.” In addi­tion to cit­ing the prob­lems with lethal injec­tion, the paper not­ed the risk of exe­cut­ing the inno­cent and the U.S.‘s increas­ing iso­la­tion on the death penal­ty in the world. The edi­to­r­i­al con­tin­ut­ed, Even for those who believe that such heinous…

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Oct 28, 2009

NEW RESOURCES: The Status of the Death Penalty in Countries Comprising the European Security Area

The OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the world’s largest region­al secu­ri­ty orga­ni­za­tion com­prised of 56 States includ­ing the U.S., recent­ly pub­lished a 2009 Background Paper on The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area. It was pre­pared by the OSCE’s Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and updates the 2008 back­ground paper of the same title. The 2009 paper high­lights the changes in sta­tus of the death penal­ty in…

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Oct 26, 2009

Leading Law Group Withdraws Model Death Penalty Laws Because System is Unfixable

The Council of the American Law Institute (ALI) recent­ly vot­ed to with­draw a sec­tion of its Model Penal Code con­cerned with cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment because of the cur­rent intractable insti­tu­tion­al and struc­tur­al obsta­cles to ensur­ing a min­i­mal­ly ade­quate sys­tem for admin­is­ter­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment.” The Council based its deci­sion on a study it com­mis­sioned to look into the prac­tice of the death penal­ty since the rec­om­men­da­tions were made in the Model Penal Code.

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Oct 23, 2009

LAW REVIEW: Death Penalty Stories

The University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review recent­ly pub­lished a sym­po­sium issue of Death Penalty Stories, high­light­ing the role of the nar­ra­tive in the defense of death penal­ty cas­es. The com­pi­la­tion includes con­tri­bu­tions from lit­i­ga­tors who have used per­sua­sive nar­ra­tive in sup­port of a life sen­tence. Russell Stetler’s The Unknown Story of a Motherless Child chron­i­cles the case of Edgar H., who was con­vict­ed of killing four men in California. Edgar’s…

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Oct 22, 2009

Court Pressure in Arizona Leads to Settlements in Death Cases

A grow­ing back­log of death penal­ty cas­es and delays in start­ing tri­als in Arizona’s Maricopa County has forced Superior Court judges to apply pres­sure on both sides by refus­ing to post­pone tri­al dates and demand­ing that attor­neys dis­cuss set­tle­ments. The back­log came as a result of County Attorney Andrew Thomas’s aggres­sive pur­suit of death sen­tences in more than 120 cas­es since tak­ing office in 2005. The num­ber of death penal­ty defen­dants grew faster than…

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Oct 21, 2009

NEW VOICES: Former Texas Governor Now Expresses Doubts About Death Penalty

Mark White, a for­mer gov­er­nor of Texas and strong sup­port­er of the death penal­ty, recent­ly expressed seri­ous reser­va­tions about the prac­tice in Texas. There is a very strong case to be made for a review of our death penal­ty statutes and even look at the pos­si­bil­i­ty of hav­ing life with­out parole so we don’t look up one day and deter­mine that we as the State of Texas have exe­cut­ed some­one who is in fact inno­cent,” he said. White was…

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Oct 20, 2009

STUDIES: Disparities in Legal Representation in Harris County, Texas

Scott Phillips, a pro­fes­sor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology at the University of Denver, recent­ly pub­lished a study that revealed dis­par­i­ties in who receives the death penal­ty inTexas. Phillips stud­ied the 504 death penal­ty cas­es that occurred between 1992 and 1999 in Harris County (Houston and sur­round­ing areas). Harris County is the largest juris­dic­tion in the United States to use a court-appoint­ment sys­tem for select­ing lawyers to defend…

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