DPIC Special Reports

Reports: 6 — 10

Oct 23, 2020

DPIC Analysis: Use or Threat of Death Penalty Implicated in 19 Exoneration Cases in 2019

The use or threat of the death penal­ty was a fac­tor in more than 13% of exon­er­a­tions across the United States in 2019 and near­ly 95% of those cas­es involved some form of major mis­con­duct, a Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis of data from the National Registry of Exonerations has revealed. The DPIC review found that the death penal­ty played a role in at least 19 of the 143 exon­er­a­tions in 2019 (13.3%) list­ed in the Registry’s annu­al exon­er­a­tions report, result­ing in near­ly 500 years…

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Jun 22, 2020

DPIC Analysis — At Least 1,300 Prisoners are on U.S. Death Rows in Violation of U.S. Human Rights Obligations

At least 1,300 pris­on­ers have been incar­cer­at­ed on U.S. death rows for more than two decades, in vio­la­tion of U.S. human rights oblig­a­tions, a Death Penalty Information Center analy­sis of death-row demo­graph­ic data has found. The num­ber rep­re­sents more than half of all U.S. death-row pris­on­ers as of January 1, 2020. Nearly one third of the pris­on­ers whose extend­ed incar­cer­a­tions on death row vio­late their human rights are fac­ing exe­cu­tion in California. Nearly 200 more con­demned prisoners…

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Aug 30, 2019

Texas Schedules Thirteen Executions in Last Five Months of 2019

The thir­teen exe­cu­tions sched­uled in Texas in the last five months of 2019 raise trou­bling ques­tions as to whether the state is exe­cut­ing the most moral­ly cul­pa­ble indi­vid­u­als for the worst of the worst crimes or the most vul­ner­a­ble pris­on­ers and pris­on­ers who were pro­vid­ed the worst legal process. Among those sched­uled for exe­cu­tion were two men with strong claims of inno­cence, two who did not direct­ly kill any­one, but were sen­tenced to death under Texas’ con­tro­ver­sial law of par­ties,” and…

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Apr 09, 2019

DPIC ANALYSIS: 2018 Exoneration Report Shows Official Misconduct and Perjury Remain Leading Causes of Wrongful Homicide Convictions

A record 151 men and women were exon­er­at­ed across the United States in 2018, accord­ing to the National Registry of Exonerations’ 2018 annu­al report on wrong­ful con­vic­tions. The report, Exonerations in 2018, includ­ed 68 exon­er­a­tions result­ing from wrong­ful homi­cide con­vic­tions. A DPIC analy­sis of data accom­pa­ny­ing the report shows that at least five peo­ple were exon­er­at­ed in 2018 after hav­ing been wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed in cas­es that involved the mis­use or threat­ened use of the death…

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